Category – React
3 posts tagged with "React" (See all categories)

AAn Incomplete Overview of React Loop 2019

06/21/20193 Min Read — In React, Conference

Chicago has had a strong and growing React community for many years now. Today was React Loop, Chicago's first React conference. It was a single track event with a great lineup of speakers. I did my…

AA Custom Hook For Loading State

06/08/20191 Min Read — In React, Hooks

I've written a lot of React components over the past couple years that fetch or update data with a call to a server. Not knowing how long these server calls are going to take, I like to indicate to…

FFormik Connected Components

05/25/20191 Min Read — In React, Formik, JavaScript

Formik comes with a connect() HOC that uses the context API as a way of connecting to disparate form elements. This means that form data, change handlers, touched and error data, etc. can be easily…